Hacettepe University | Faculty of Medicine | Departments
General Overview

Founded in the capacity of an institute in 1970, our unit was merged into the Faculty of Medicine as one of its Departments in line with the vision upheld by the Council of Higher Education, which was founded in the early 80s. Starting with the year of 1981, our academic staff prepared and taught the courses on Biophysics offered to the sophomore students of the Faculty of Medicine. We have been operating as a Department within the Division of Basic Medical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine since 1987.

Department of Biophysics does not have any subunits. There are two Brain Researches Laboratories, one Muscle Laboratory and one Cellular Electrophysiology and Imaging Laboratory in our unit.

Research Interests

  • Relationships between brain functions and its electrical activity; dynamic properties of neural mechanisms related with psychophysiological processes like sensory functions (in particular, auditory and visual) or learning, recognition and attention.
  • Receptor adaptation and neural coding; topographical distribution of stretch receptors and sodium channels in membrane; mathematical model of mechano-transduction process.
  • EEG-UP

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine

Department of Biophysics

06100 Sýhhiye Ankara